Calculate the flight times to thousands of destinations worldwide so you can plan your journey better.
For routes with direct flights we will always show the fastest possible flight duration, the average flight time and distance as well as the average amount of scheduled daily flights and information regarding local airports connecting the route. We will also show a selection of indirect flights if they are available and again provide flight times, distances and information on local airports including the connecting airports.
For routes where no direct flights are flown we provide the same information on indirect routes to your destination but also calculate the expected flight time if a direct route was available. We perform a complex calculation involving average cruise speeds and flight distances and taking into account taking off and landing all based on a commercial airliner flying the chosen route.
Canary Islands. The first place that most sun-starved Europeans head at this time of year is the Canary Islands, around three and a half hours away from London by plane.
Lanzarote. Take Lanzarote, with its boutique hotels, vineyards and quiet villages – not the image many of us have of the island.
Cape Verde.
6 Beach Holidays Within 3 Hours of the UK (Or Less!)
Agadir, Morocco. Flight time approx: 3 hours 40 mins.
Majorca, Balearic Islands. Flight time approx: 2 hours 30 mins.
Ibiza, Balearic Islands. Flight time approx from UK: 2 hours 30 mins.
Sardinia, Italy.
Algarve, Portugal.
Corfu, Greece.
10 Short Flights from the UK to Somewhere Hot;
Corfu, Greece. Flight time: 3 hours.
Madeira, Portugal. Flight time: 4 hours.
Dalaman, Turkey. Flight time: 4 hours.
Algarve, Portugal. Flight time: 2 hours 40 minutes.
Dubrovnik, Croatia. Flight time: 2 hours 35 minutes.
Mellieha, Malta. Flight time: 3 hours.
Costa del Sol, Spain. Flight time: 2 hours 40 minutes.
Marrakech, Morocco.
Flight duration is the length of time you will spend flying and they come under 4 categories short-haul, medium-haul, long-haul and ultra long-haul. Short haul is under 3 hours, medium-haul is 3-6 hours, long haul is 6-12 hours and ultra long haul is over 12 hours.
Flight time is defined as the time from when the engines start up to the time when the engines are stopped.
Short haul is under 3 hours, medium-haul is 3-6 hours, long haul is 6-12 hours and ultra long haul is over 12 hours.